Thursday, June 30, 2011

Daddy & Luca

Mochi ice cream in his playhouse for his birthday!

Eaten with a hashi of course.

Punchy had mochi too!

The Fair!

Budge & Rocco rode on the monster truck!
He was ready to get off aftergoing over
that "little pile, it's too scary for me."

Eating a corndog outside first
then the hot dog.

He really loved the games!

Happiness for this guy...looking at cars
and eating a corndog. He didn't want
to leave the hall with the hot rods.

His favorite ride! They went on it a few times.
He was even laughing and smiling on the ride!
He's usually having fun but really serious on
the rides.

He liked the animals but was afraid
of the turkeys!

Tired boy with milk and all of the
prizes he won. It was a good day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Playing Together

Rocco sharing his toys with Luca. So sweet!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Breakfast in the Play House

He woke up and went straight to the window to
make sure the swings were still there. Then he
insisted on eating his breakfast in the top play
house. One bite then slide and repeat.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Play Structure!!!

Rocco was so excited the play structure is up!!!
He was dancing around and the rest of the day
talking a mile a minute because he was so
pumped up about his set!

Cheering for himself after going down the slide!

This is what Luca thought of it all.

At night before bed he had to go check
and make sure it was still there. So cute!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Helping with Luca's Bath

Rocco likes to help with Luca's bath.